Step 1: Receipt of Demand
& Verification On receipt of the all required of demand Document form Employer, We approach the Department of Foreign Employment for government permission they may contact you directly to verify these documents. On such occasions we kindly request you for your kind co-operation with this verification please.
Step 2 : Pre Approval
Once the document verified by the Department of Foreign Employments they give us the permission to do concern affairs. We call the candidate through advertise in Newspaper, local FM radio, Internal Networks, visiting training institute.
Step 3 : Interview Assessment
Screening the suitable candidates through Bio-Data to initials processing for applies, will be collected form applicant, and interview and trade test will be conduct by the employer (if required) or it directly conducted by agency representation under the given selection criterion by employer. Entry the derails of applicant on computer data system. Normalcy we furnish following step and time taken to let eh candidate. Day 01: Advertising in authorized daily newspaper Day 10: Pre-screening of all suitable candidates Day 10: Final interview of candidates by the client and trade test we applicable.
Step 4: Medical Check up
All the selected candidates will be sent to the GCC approved licensed medical centre for diagnose on AIDS, T.B Infection n other disease. Medical checkup points meet to under the GCC health standard.
Step 5: Documentation & Check list
All the medically fit candidate interview assessment record will be forwarded to he employees along with copy of passport, Bio-Data, Photographs, Medically fitness report and other necessary supporting documents by the Future Link International Pvt. Ltd.
Step 6: Visa Process
The employer will apply those require selected applicant document to the concerned government authority of their respective country. Only the visa processes of candidates who are medically fit, completed by documents chemist and available for travel are processed.
Step 7 : Receipt of Visas
The employer will be informed about Entry Permit /Nec/ visa advise and forward to FUTURE Link International Pvt. Ltd via Fast courier services, Fax or Email once it out from Govt. Authority in the cases of Saudi Arabia, after obtain authenticate papers, Future Link International will process for visa endorse form respective Embassy of Saudi Arabian Government consulate where the blocked visa was reserved.
Step 8 : Orientation
We call all visa receipt candidate for orientation. This play a very important role. We brief all the worker about their jobs, safety procedures, the climbing conditions, teach them to honor the different religions, rules and regulating of the country customer traditions of the other nationalities they will meet and work with. And we pay special attention to make them understand and respect eh Islamic traditions. The object is to give them some idea of their place of work and environment before their departure to that they can adjust easily to their new environment their arrival in the place of work.
Step 9 : Mobilization
On receipt of the visas we try to dispatch them as soon as possible and as per our experience we normally send them form the day7to 14 days. As for Saudi Arabia, the candidates will be deployed within 35 days to some time it might take 2 months time for the day the original visa documents are receive by us in Nepal.